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Immigration status for countries and tips

GREAT companies that relocate IT professionals

Positions in high demand:

Company Country City Relocation Status Relocation status now Source Last updated
Agoda Bangkok Relocates Relocates now, process is fast (2-3 weeks for interviews + relocation) Referral @Atata_alex 02.04.22
Atlassian Bay Area, Austin, New York, Sydney Relocates to Australia May relocate Seniors+ Referral link 29.04.22
Asana Bay Area, Chicago ? ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Babylon Health Austin, London Relocates Hiring freeze Referral Zair Sadigov 11.06.22
Block (Square) Bay Area, New York, Atlanta, Portland, Toronto, Kitchener, Melbourne, Sydney, Minato-ku Relocates May relocate if you are very good match Referral Alex Gorbatchev 23.07.22
Bloomberg Bay Area, New York, Hong Kong, London, Frankfurt, Tel Aviv, Tokyo Relocates to UK and EU Still relocates, interview + relocation took 1 month before the war 05.11.23 Bay Area, Miami, London Relocates to UK Still relocates only seniors, interview + relocation takes 1-3 months Referral Valerii Babushkin 25.04.22
Bolt Tallinn, Tartu, Berlin, Warsaw Conditionally relocates Doesn't hire with RU passport (except for active residence permit owners). please prepare a CV Referral @dmaxdev 12.05.22
Citadel New York, Chicago, London, Hong Kong Relocates US, UK (London). Strong CV showing impact in the current role is essential. Referral @dettier 14.03.22
Citadel Securities Chicago, New York, London, Hong Kong, Sydney Relocates to UK, US, Australia and Asia Interviews are fast, offer takes 2 weeks. Relocation depends on the standart work visa timing. I can give some advice before you apply. If you are interested in algorithms, hardware and are passionate about trading, then it's a match! Referral @stromsund 25.05.22
DataDogHQ New York, Boston, Bay Area, Paris, Dublin, Amsterdam Relocates to Paris, Dublin and Amsterdam Relocation from Russia and Belarus is on hold, other countries should be fine Referral @sashacmc 02.06.22
DeepMind Bay Area, Paris, Montreal, London Relocates Hiring freeze for new interns. Doesn't relocate temporarily from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine (needs verification, may be outdated). Previously interview + relocation took 5 months. You can try if you are resident of another country 26.03.23
Figma Bay Area, New York, London, Remote ? ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Flo Vilnus, Amsterdam Relocates Relocates now, interview + relocation process takes 1.5-3 months Recruiter @lenaache 29.04.22
FunCorp Yerevan, Limassol Relocates Reloates now, interivew + relocation process takes 3 weeks Referral @rjhdbylive< 25.05.22
Joom Riga Relocates Relocates now, the process takes 3 to 6 months Referral @asap_777 15.06.22
Google Bay Area, Seattle, New York, Waterloo, Montreal, Toronto, London, Munich, Tokyo, Sydney, Dublin, Stockholm, Seoul, Tel Aviv, etc Relocates to UK, Canada, Switzerland, Poland Hiring slowdon, still relocates Referral 14.03.22
Grab Singapore, Cluj-Napoca, Kuala Lumpur Relocates to Singapore Hiring slowdown Referral Denis Sakhapov 11.05.22
Jane Street New York, London, Hong Kong Relocates 14.05.20
Jetbrains Berlin, Munich, Amsterdam Relocates Hiring slowdown Referral 25.05.22
Klarna Stokholm, Berlin, Mannheim, Giessen, Madrid, Toronto, Wroclaw Relocates Frozen Referral @ssaantooss 14.07.22
Meta (Facebook) Bay Area, US Remote, London, Stockholm, Zurich, Dublin, Singapore, etc Relocates to UK (the most straightforward), Ireland and Switzerland Limited hiring. Please send me a CV and up to 3 roles from metacareers where you match minimum qualifications. If you are software engineer, then you need to be able to solve 2 leetcode mediums under 40 mins. Referral @vrfloppa 14.01.22
Loóna Warsaw Relocates Still relocates, interviews take 1-2 weeks, visa now takes around 1-2 month Referrral @obubentsova 16.07.22
Lyft Bay Area, Seattle, New York, Mexico City, Minsk Relocates Relocates using O1 Referrral @vladimirtagakov 27.09.20
Mapbox Warsaw, Helsinki Relocates Frozen Referral 19.02.24
Miro Amstredam, Berlin Relocates Relocation from Russia to Europe isn't possible. Making very rare exceptions if there is a particularly strong fit for a role, but even that would mean relocation to Yerevan in 12 months or so time Referral 01.07.22 Tel Aviv Relocates Frozen Referral @parahall 03.06.20
MongoDB Bay Area, London, Dublin, Madrid, Berlin, Amsterdam, Copenhagen Relocates ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Monzo London Relocates Still relocates Referral @mashakereb 18.03.22
OneSoil Warsaw Relocates Process may be fast Recruiter 27.05.22
Palantir Bay Area, New York, Seattle, Relocates strong candidates to UK, if you are already in the UK then relocation is easy. Please message me before you complete website job application. Still relocates (interviews take 2-3 weeks) Referral @andrej_h 23.08.22
Prisma Labs Limassol Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation process is fast, takes 2 weeks Referral @pumicci 24.09.22
Rakuten Tokio Relocates Relocates to Tokio, please send me a CV and up to 3 website job descriptions/td> Referral @adsukharev 24.09.22
Shopify Relocates 23.11.22
Skyscanner London, Edinburgh Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation takes 2 months Referral @Misestranger 26.04.22
Slack Bay Area, New York, Toronto, Vancouver, Dublin, Melbourne Relocates Hiring freeze till October Referral 13.06.22
Snapchat Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Sydney, Kyiv May relocate N/A Referral (Присылайте ссылку на литкод / аналоги по подготовке к интервью. Для подачи нужно: CV (pdf, фио, почта, телефон, текущая страна), ссылки на вакансии с workday, мини мотивационное письмо - абзац на английском о своем опыте )@tenich 14.03.22
Sony Playstation London Relocates Still relocates Referral @princessadivana 18.03.22
Spotify New York, Boston, London, Stockholm, Gothenburg Relocates to Sweden Still relocates. Russians nationals are on hold due to relocation provider issues. Belarussians and Ukraninans should be fine. Referral @philuvarov 21.05.22
Stripe Bay Area, Seattle, New York, Dublin, Mexico City, Singapore Relocates to Dublin Still relocates Referral 21.05.22
Toptal Warsaw Relocates Still relocates Referral @ohyesohgod 15.03.22
Transferwise (Wise) London, Singapore, Tallin, Budapest Relocates Still relocates, before the war interview + relocation took 3 months Referral @AvidFlorist 26.04.22
Twitch Bay Area, Seattle, New York, Berlin, London, Singapore, Tokyo ? ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Twitter Bay Area, Seattle, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Miami, Boston, Boulder, Toronto, London, Dublin, Berlin Singapore Hiring freeze Interviews took 1 month Referral @muammar_alshedivat 25.05.22
Unity Bay Area, London, Vancouver, Berlin, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Zurich, Dublin, etc Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 14.08.22
Uber Bay Area, Amsterdam Relocates Still relocates Referral (40+ mid задач на литкоде и активность за последний месяц. Реферю во все страны на все позиции. Uber спонсирует визы для фултайм но НЕ для стажировок. В Нидерланды делают визу без проблем для фултайм.) @dark-referral 09.04.22 Lisbon, London Relocates Relocates now, process should be fast Recruiter 27.03.22
Waymo Nicosia Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 14.08.22
Wrike Nicosia Relocates Relocates now Referral Evgeny Kot 18.05.22
Yelp Bay Area, Toronto Relocates to UK Still relocates Referral 14.07.22
Zalando Berlin, Dortmund, Helsinki, Dublin Relocates to EU Still relocates (interview + relocation can take 1-2 months) Referral @alex_milts. There is fast track for Ukrainians 26.04.22

This wasn't an ad. That was an opinioned list of companies from @vrfloppa

Full list of companies that relocate IT professionals from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine

Company Country City Relocation Status Relocation status now Source Last updated
Abagy Robotic Systems Nicosia Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 11.04.22
Accel Club Belgrade Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 11.04.22
Activeloop Yerevan Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation can be just 1 week Recruiter 12.04.22
Adobe San Jose, Denver, Boston, Austin, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Edinburgh, Bucharest etc Doesn't relocate Can refer people only with work US visa Referral 14.03.22
Adjoe Hamburg Relocates Interview and relocation takes 2-4 weeks Referral @evevev13 25.06.22
Adjust Berlin Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 10.03.22
Affirm Remote ? ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Airtasker Sydney Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Aiven Berlin Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 14.07.22
Akvelon Tbilisi, Yerevan, Warsaw, Nursultan Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation process takes 2 weeks to 1 month Recruiter @AKVELON_HR 12.04.22
Alber Blanc Limassol Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Alfa Bank Almaty Relocates Still relocates, process takes 2 weeks Recruiter 25.04.22
Altium Belgrade Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Altoros All cities in those countries Relocates Relocates now, interview + relocation process is fast, takes 2 weeks Recruiter @LeraTwi 13.05.22
Amazon Bay Area, Seattle, New York, Vancouver, Toronto, Berlin, Dublin, Gdansk, etc Relocates easily to London and EU Still relocates Referral (Резюме с почтой и телефоном, ссылка на вакансию. Так же уточняйте, на какой левел претендуете, нужна ли релокация итп) @vzedano 23.11.22
AMD London Doesn’t relocate N/A Referral 26.05.20
American express Bay Area, Austin, Seattle, Markham Doesn’t relocate N/A Referral 26.05.20
Amilabs Barcelona Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Apple Bay Area, Seattle, New York, Vancouver, London, Munich, Dublin, Cork, Tokyo May relocate to UK Recruiter 25.07.20
Arcadia Tbilisi, Belgrade Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.04.22
Arrival Tbilisi Relocates Relocates now Recruiter @nchuryakova 04.03.22
Argo AI Bay Area, Pittsburgh, Cranbury, Metro Detroit Relocates Recruiter 10.06.20
ARM Cambridge, Lund, Trondheim Relocates to UK Still relocates Referral 01.09.20
Artec3D Bar Relocates Still relocates Recruiter @KseniiaLeonova 12.04.22
ASOS London Relocates 1.07.20
Audi Ingolstadt Relocates Recruiter 10.06.20
AUTO1 Group Berlin Relocates Interviews take 2-3 weeks, visa now takes around 1 month Referral @ls_alexander 25.06.22
Ava London Relocates Relocates now 14.07.22
Beacon Red Dubai Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Behavox Montreal Relocates Relocates now 14.07.22
Bumble (ex Badoo) London Relocates Relocates to Dubai. We do not relocate from Russia. If you have a right to work in the EU, you are welcome to apply! We do not hire interns and new grads for eng positions. Referral @jeksor 10.04.22
BlaBlaCar Paris Relocates 1.07.20
Blue Origin Seattle Doesn't relocate N/A Website 07.09.20
BMW Munich Relocates Still relocates, interviews are fast and take 1 week Referral 27.03.22
Bonial Berlin Relocates Still relocates Referral 12.04.22 Amsterdam, Manchester Relocates to Netherlands Still relocates, interview + relocation takes 6 months Referral @FirstKangaro, @ohyesohgod, @shurupin 23.12.22
Bosch Bay Area, Munich, Berlin, etc Relocates Still relocates, 1.5 month to get the offer Referral @Ivan_Bludov 27.03.22
BP US, London ? ? 10.03.22
Brainrocket Limassol Relocates 10.03.22
Brightdata Netanya Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Cabify Barcelona, Madrid Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Canva Sydney Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Careem Dubai Relocates, process should be quite fast Still relocates, everything takes 2 weeks only Recruiter 23.03.22
Celonis Berlin, Madrid Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 10.03.22
CD Project RED Warsaw, Vancouver 10.03.22
Chainstack Sofia, Singapore Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Check24 Berlin Relocates Relocates now, interview process takes 1 month Recruiter Sidney F. 02.05.22
Cheeze Inc. Istanbul Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
CodeSignal Yerevan Relocates Still relocates Referral 24.03.22
Cognizant Amsterdam Relocates Still relocates, Ukranians only Recruiter 11.04.22
Coinbase Remote ? ? Referral 14.08.22
Confluent London Relocates Still relocates Referral 18.03.22
Coolblue Rotterdam Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Coursera Bay Area, Toronto, Sofia Relocates 8.07.20
Creative Assembly London, Sofia Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation took 3-4 months before the war Referral @ujlbu4 31.03.22
Criteo Paris, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Partial remote from France, Ann Arbor Relocates Still relocates to Paris Referral @marmalykh 06.04.22
Cube Dev Bay Area Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.21
Cube RM Athens, Zurich Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.04.22
Cuvva London Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation takes 2 to 4 months Referral @iamuyga 11.04.22
Daimler Seattle, Beijing, Affalterbach, Kawasaki ? Frozen Referral 22.06.20
Databricks San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Amsterdam, Berlin Relocates Fulltime + internships, any location. The interviews are similar to FAANG. Referral 15.03.22
Datafold Amsterdam, Berlin Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Deliveroo London Relocates Doesn't relocate temporarily Referral 30.10.22
Delivery Hero Berlin Relocates Still relocates, process should be quite fast Referral 7.11.22
DevExpress Yerevan, Nicosia, Tallin Relocates Still relocates Referral @Alexgoup 24.03.22
DocPlanner Barcelona Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Dorm London Relocates No active positions Referral @taras_polik 27.03.22
Dropbox Bay Area, New York, Seattle, Tel Aviv Relocates 7.07.20
EA Bay Area, Seattle, Orlando, Austin, Vancouver, Montreal, London, Melbourne, Stockholm, Bucharest Relocates 18.07.20
Ecwid by Lightspeed Tbilisi Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation takes 1 month Recruiter @ramona_ecwid 12.05.22
Ebay Bay Area, Austin, Portland, New York, Draper, Seattle, London, Toronto, Amsterdam, Berlin, Dreilinden, Netanya Relocates Frozen Referral 09.06.20
Education First Boston, London Relocates 01.07.20
Epam Bay Area, Seattle, New York, London, Malaga, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zurich Relocates Technical interview + Manager interview. Relocates quickly to Armenia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Other countries like the following might be longer - UK, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland (if already in EU), Spain Referral @snowinmars, 18.03.22 Barcelona Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.04.22
EY London, Warszawa, Brisbane, Dublin, Porto Relocates Still relocates Referral @alina_iv (Я реферю в Лондон и только experienced hire) 18.03.22
Everynot Helsinki Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Evolution Lissabon Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.04.22
ExactPro Tbilisi Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 11.04.22
Excelsior Solutions Frankfurt Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Exness Global Limited Limassol Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.03.22
Experteer Munich Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation process takes 1-3 months Recruiter 23.04.22 Gmbh Erlangen, Ingolstadt Relocates Still relocates Referral 21.06.20
Findev Limassol Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation takes 1 month Recruiter @vitumik 27.05.22
Findmykids Almaty, Tbilisi, Istanbul Relocates Still relocates Recruiter @Pardasovi 30.10.22
Fintuity London Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Fireart Warsaw Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.03.22
Flexport San Francisco, Bay Area, Amsterdam Relocates Still relocates to Amsterdam Recruiter 14.08.22
Ford Bay Area, Dearborn, Detroit, Fort Lauderdale
Fresha London, Amsterdam, Warsaw Relocates Relocates now Referral @sergeyyanovskiy 25.03.22
Futurice Helsinki, Tampere, Berlin, Stuttgart, London, Stockholm, Oslo Relocates Referral 14.05.20
Github Bay Area, Berlin Relocates, but not to Germany Hiring freeze Recruiter 14.08.22
Glovo Barcelona, Madrid, Warsaw Relocates Still relocates, but the process is about 2-3 months Referral @lolbla2 14.07.22
Hellofresh Berlin Relocates Still relocates Referral @einberliner 30.10.22
Hootsuite Vancouver, Toronto Relocates Still relocates, but the process is quite long 14.07.22
Joygame Istanbul Relocates Still relocates Recruiter @velichko_irina 11.04.22
Juniper Networks San Francisco, Sunnyvale, Cape Town, Lulea, Kanata Relocates I can refer you at any country, please send a CV in English Referral 14.05.20
Juro Riga Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
idwell Belgrade Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.03.22
Indriver Almaty, Kazakhstan-remote, Cyprus Relocates Still relocates, you can relocate to Kazahkstan immediately, the Cyprus is available after probation (2-3 monhts) Recruiter 15.06.22
INGA Technologies Yerevan Relocates Still relocates Recruiter @bearpong 24.03.22
intive Regensburg, Munich, Wroclaw, Lublin, Krakow, London, etc Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 8.07.20
in3D Sofia Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Improbable Arlington, London Relocates Referral @chebyrash 10.05.20
Index Exchange Bay Area, New York, Boston, Montreal, Toronto Relocates 21.08.20
Instacart Bay Area, Toronto Relocates 21.08.20
Intel Gdansk, Munich, Dublin, London, Singapore Relocates Relocates now (interviews 1 month, relocates 3-4 months) Referral @okainov 25.03.22
Intelas Tbilisi, Yerevan, Limassol Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Intento Lisbon Relocates Still relocates after probation 11.06.22
Iponweb Nicosia, Berlin Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.04.22
ItHub Ljubljana Relocates Still relocates. Interview 1 week and relocation process 5-7 months Recruiter @Anisa7K 14.01.22
Garmin Kansas City, Los Angeles, Cochrane Doesn’t relocate N/A Recruiter 29.04.20
General Motors Warren, Milford, Detroit, Atlanta, Austin, Bay Area, Toront Doesn’t relocate (needs work visa for Canada) N/A Referral 21.06.20
Gocardless London Relocates Relocates now (Standard 2-6 weeks interviewing, standard 2 months UK work visa process) Referral - присылайте сразу CV и ссылку на желаемую вакансию @sinikov 24.03.22
GrowMore Tbilisi Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 11.04.22
Hackerrank Indianapolis Relocates 1.07.20
Hammerhead New York, Malvern Doesn’t relocate N/A Website 14.05.20
Helio Games Limassol Relocates Relocates now, process takes 3 weeks Referral @pnaum 09.04.22
HiQo Solutions Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow, Lodz, Tbilisi, Batumi Relocates Interview - 1 week, relocation - 1 month approx Recruiter @Katerina_Levitskaya 25.06.22
Hi, Rockits! Yerevan Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 11.04.22
Holidu Munich, Malaga Relocates 1-2 weeks for interviews, depending on how promising the profile is. The the normal visa process of 1-1.5 months Referral Konstantin Pasko 25.06.22
Holland&Barrett Istanbul, Turkey; other non-RU Relocates Interview takes 1 week, relocation takes ~3weeks Referral @utrack 25.06.22
HypeAuditor Yerevan Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
JP Morgan London Relocates Still relocates Referral @valleriiya 23.02.22
Kalido London Relocates Still relocates, interview takes 2-3 weeks Recruiter 26.04.22
King London, Stokholm, Barcelona Relocates May relocate, process takes 2-3 months Referral @Juzaitceva 25.03.22
KPMG London, Malta Relocates May relocate Referral @iakov_f 18.03.22
LATOKEN Tbilisi, Yerevan Relocates Still relocates, all process takes 1-2 weeks Recruiter @DmitryShokov 11.04.22
Lazada Singapore, Bangkok, Hanoi Doesn't relocate 1.07.20
LegionFarm Instanbul Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 11.04.22
LG Bay Area, Toronto Relocates 14.05.20
Linguix Podgorica Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
LinkedIn Bay Area, New York, Dublin, Cape Town Relocates Still relocates Referral (please attach a LinkedIn profile, CV and a job link) @merkylove 19.09.22
LogExpert Yerevan, Limassol, Dubai, Amman Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation time depends on country (1 week - 2 months) Referral @unefleur_rebelle, Recruiter @JPorcelain 14.07.22
Logitech Bay Area, Cork Relocates Referral 8.07.20
Lokimo Tallinn Relocates Doesn't relocate @djavidka 11.05.20
Lucid Motors Bay Area Relocates Referral 21.06.20
Luxoft You can work remotely from any city in those countries Relocates Relocates to all counties, process takes 1-2 months. Relocates very fast to Serbia Referral @The_konstantin_on, @azhirma 13.06.22
MessageBird Amsterdam Relocates Still relocates @sintah 18.07.20
MarketFinance London Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.04.22
Microsoft Bay Area, Seattle, Atlanta, London, Vancouver, Toronto, Dublin, Sydney, Munich, Tallinn, Tel Aviv, Prague, Oslo, etc Relocates to multiple locations Referral (Резюме + пруфы готовности + список вакансий с оф.сайта, на которые зарефералить. Пишите в телеграм) @dmitry_brazhenko 14.03.22
Mixbytes Dubai, Nicosia, Istanbul Relocates Still relocates, also can relocat to EU Recruiter @tkarolina 11.04.22 Berlin Relocates Still relocates, interview and offer takes 2 weeks, visa is fast, may take a week only Referral @rin_morgenstern 11.06.22
Motorola Solutions Chicago, Glasgow, Vancouver, Krakow, Penang Doesn't relocate N/A Referral 21.06.20
N26 Berlin, New York, Barcelona, Vienna Relocates to Germany Recruiter 21.06.20
Netflix Bay Area, Los Angeles Doesn't relocate N/A Referral 21.06.20
Newday London Relocates Can sponsor a visa, but doesn't relocate 11.04.22
NIO Bay Area, Munich Relocates 14.05.20
Ninja Van Singapore Relocates 14.07.22
Nokia Budapest, Espoo, Oulu, Tampere, Amadora, Aveiro, Lannion Relocates Referral 14.03.22
Nvidia Bay Area, Seattle, Austin, Munich, Wuerselen, Warsaw Doesn’t relocate N/A Referral 26.05.20
OLX Group Warsaw, Poznan, Berlin, Bucharest, Lisbon, Barcelona Relocates Relocates for roles like Engineering Managers and above Referral @vladimir_merkushev 25.03.22
Onity_ Berlin Relocates Still relocates 24.03.22
Optic Dubai Relocates Still relocates, everything takes 4-6 weeks Recruiter @OllySmiths 16.07.22 Yerevan Relocates Still relocates, takes as little as one week Recruiter 11.04.22
Optiver Amsterdam Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Ortnec Limassol Relocates Relocates now Recruiter @milya_cy 12.04.22
Osome Yerevan Doesn't relocate Possible to work from Armenia Referral @Liza_Iv 25.03.22
oxygen.оrg Dubai Relocates Relocates now Recruiter @ddoseRR 23.03.22
Palta Berlin, Jerusalem, Limassol, London Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Parity Technologies Berlin Relocates Still relocates, 3-5 weeks to get an offer Referral 25.04.22
Payflow Madrid Relocates Relocates now Recruiter @superdao_jobs 24.03.22
Paypal Bay Area, Chicago, Austin, Los Angeles, Orlando, Seattle, etc Relocates Referral 21.08.20
Peloton Interactive New York, London Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 12.05.20
Picsart Yerevan Relocates Still relocates, process takes 1-2 weeks Referral @nukich74 07.04.22
Pinterest Bay Area, Seattle, Remote ? ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Pipedrive Tallinn, Tartu Relocates Estonia has frozen new work visas 14.07.22
Placid Istambul, Tbilisi, Yerevan Relocates to the countries as well as South-East Asia Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Planet Remote ? ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Planner 5D Vilnus Relocates Relocation is closed to LT for russians, but we can work remotely. Referral @yanabusko 28.03.22
Plesk Berlin and others cities, Barcelona, Sofia Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 12.04.22
PolkaPad Istambul, Yerevan Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22 New York, London Relocates to Turkey Still relocates Recruiter 28.03.22
Prequel Istanbul, Tbilisi Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Propeller Ads Yerevan Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Pulsepoint New York, London Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Quadcode Limassol, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur Relocates Relocates now, interview + relocation happens after 3 months of probation and takes 1- 1.5 months Referral 27.05.22
Quantcast London Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Qualcomm San Diego, Cambridge, Ingolstadt Relocates Referral 01.09.20
Raiffeisen Bank International Vienna Helps with visa ? Recruiter 19.09.22
Reddit Bay Area Relocates 1.07.20
Renderforest Yerevan Relocates Still relocates 24.03.22
Replika Dubai Relocates Relocates now, process may be fast Recruiter 02.04.22
Rivian Bay Area, Vancouver Doesn't relocate N/A Referral 10.06.20
Robinhood Bay Area, Denver Relocates Frozen Recruiter 29.05.20
Salesforce Bay Area, Seattle, Dallas, Dublin, Vancouver, Sydney, etc Relocate Hiring freeze till October Referral 11.06.22
Samsung Bay Area, Austin, Munich, etc Doesn’t relocate N/A Referral 27.05.20
SAP Berlin, Munich, Walldorf, Austin, Munich, Prague, Budapest Relocates Interviews are easier than FAANG one's Referral @iandrosenko 15.03.22
Semrush Berlin, Yerevan, Istambul, Warsaw, Barcelona Relocates Still relocates, process may be fast Recruiter 02.04.22
Sentry Bay Area, Seattle, Toronto, Vienna Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 12.04.22
Setpoint Bnei Brak Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
SFork Barcelona, Milano, Paris, Torino Relocates Still relocates 10.03.22
Seven Senders Berlin Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
SG Cap Trading Lissabon Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Shopee Singapore Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 19.10.22 Helsinki Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Sigma Connectivity Bay Area, Seattle, Lund Relocates Frozen Referral 28.04.20
Skanestas Investments Limited Limassol Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Snowflake Bay Area, Bellevue, Warsaw, Berlin, Toronto, etc Relocates Please send me a LinkedIn. Make sure you have extensive experience in DB and DWH. I can refer you Berlin or any other location Referral 15.03.22
Smartnews Tokyo Relocates Still relocates Recruiter Timo Perttu 24.03.22
SpaceX Los Angeles, Seattle Doesn’t relocate N/A Referral 25.05.20
Sparkland Trading Dubai Relocates Relocates now, process should be quite fast Recruiter 02.04.22
Spryker Tbilisi Relocates Still relocates Recruiter @valerie_dronova 23.04.22
Starship Technologies Helsinki Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Statice Berlin Relocates Still relocates Referral 12.04.22
Stocard Mannheim Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Stuart London, Barcelona, Paris Relocates Still relocates, interviews take a month Referral @marat_karimov 28.03.22
Squire Relocates Doesn't relocate Referral 10.04.22
Sumo Group Bristol, Leamington Spa, Brighton, Newcastle, etc Relocates Still relocates Referral 14.07.22
Superdao Istambul, Tbilisi, Yerevan Relocates Still relocates Referral @superdao_jobs 24.03.22
Synthace London Relocates Still relocates Referral 18.03.22
Synthesis London Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Synthesized London Relocates Still relocates Referral @marqueewinq 01.04.22
Tabby Dubai, Yerevan Relocates to Dubai Relocates now, interview + relocation process takes 1.5 weeks Recruiter @marianevedrova 02.04.22
Talabat Dubai Relocates, process is fast Relocates now, interview + relocation takes 1-1.5 months Recruiter Leah Fernandez 27.03.22
Talnet Dubai Relocates Still relocates Recruiter @zuzy94 11.04.22
Tango Me Limassol Relocates Interview takes 1 week, 2-3 meetings depending on the position Referral @alexdavliatov 25.04.22
Tele2/Altel Nursultan Relocates Relocates now 14.05.20
Telescope Services AB Lund Relocates Recruiter 24.03.22
Tesla Bay Area, Seattle, Berlin, Amsterdam Relocates Doesn't relocate Referral @sg715 09.04.22
Tessian London Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Bytedance (TikTok) London, Singapore Relocates Still relocates Referral @Val1d 18.03.22
TheSoul Publishing Nicosia, Riga Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 24.03.22
The Software Development Company Dubai Relocates Relocates now, process may be fast Recruiter 02.04.22
The Trade Desk London, Madrid, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Sydney Relocates Still relocates Referral @bkvvldmr 18.03.22 Mexico City, Nursultan, Podgorica, Istanbul, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Limassol Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Tonal Bay Area, Toronto Doesn’t relocate N/A Referral 14.05.20
Trade Republic Berlin Relocates Still relocates, interview process takes 1 week Referral @albert_nigmatzianov 12.04.22
TravelPerk Barcelona Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Trainline London, Edinburgh, Paris Relocates Still relocates Referral @llnastyalll 23.03.22
Truv Miami, Toronto Relocates Recruiter @miosh 03.03.22
Twilio Tallinn Relocates Doesn't relocate Recruiter 10.04.22
Twill.Care Budva, New York Relocates to Budva Interview + relocation process is quite fast, takes 2-4 weeks Referral @whateve_r 31.08.22
Ubisoft Bay Area, Stockholm, Montreal, Montpeller, Royal Leamington Spa, Bucharest, London, Barcelona, Berlin, Santa Rosa, Milan, Singapore, etc Relocates 8.07.20
UpTeam Podgorica Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 10.03.22
Vaadin Turku Relocates Still relocates 14.07.22
Verily Bay Area, Boulder, Boston, Tel Aviv ? ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Volvo Cars Bay Area, Goteborg Relocates to Sweden Relocates now Recruiter Claudia Leskow 23.07.22
Vonage London Relocates Still relocates Referral @friselis 24.03.22
Weigandt Consulting Aachen Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Wert Tallin Relocates Doesn't relocate Recruiter 10.04.22
WeTransfer Amsterdam Relocates Still relocates, interview + relocation takes 1 month Recruiter Clement Pergaud 13.05.22
Wheely Doesn't relocate Referral 06.04.22
WIO Abu Dhabi, Dubai Freezed Doesn't relocate Referral @dinloq 17.05.23
Wisebits Limasson Relocates Relocates now Recruiter 02.04.22
Workday Bay Area, Vancouver, Toronto, Ireland Relocates 20.08.20
Woven planet Tokyo Relocates Sec OR General/Linux OR c/c++ OR automotive OR rust. Please send a CV and link to the role. Referral 15.03.22
Xsolla Kuala Lumpur Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
X, the moonshot factory Bay Area ? ? Recruiter 14.08.22
Zendesk London, Dublin, Copenhagen, Paris Relocates We do relocation support for Seniors. You can relocate to Ireland, Denmark and France as well. We do not have an eng office in London, so you'll need to work from home from there. Data Engineers and DevOps are in high demand. Referral @acccko 24.03.22
ZeptoLab Barcelona Relocates 10.03.22
ZERO10 Limassol Relocates Still relocates Recruiter 02.04.22
Zettle Stockholm Relocates Hiring freeze Referral @HenryPootle 27.03.22
Ziina Dubai (and many other countries) one day relocation.
iOS and Backend needed now
Relocates Referral @bwdude 04.03.22
Zorion Dubai, London Relocates Still relocates Recruiter @amaksunova 11.04.22

Do not give up!

Sure, Software Engineers are the most wanted IT professionals but from experience, companies are also actively looking for QAs/SDETs, PMs, Designers and other IT roles.

Keep learning English and technical skills. Keep trying!

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